Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Search Engine Optimization

The purpose of doing SEO is to use a series of methods that allow the "search engine" to understand the content of your site and then make your site rank appear in front of the natural search results and achieve high traffic. The ultimate goal of SEO is to let the site in the first page, ranking the better in front of the better.

If you are running a website, search results are important. When you have a higher ranking of a page, it will help more people find you. The key to getting a higher ranking is whether your site has a "raw material" that meets the "recipe" developed by the search engine.

In fact, many of the main "raw materials" are all we know. First, the text is important. The search engine includes all the text on the web. When a user searches for "repair shoes", the search engine can narrow the search results to only those pages related to these keywords.

Second, the title is important. Each page on the web has a formal title. But you may never have seen it because it is hidden in the code. The search engine is very important to the title, because the title is often a web page content summary, like a book title.

Third, the link between the site and the site is important. When a page is linked to another page, it is usually a recommendation that the reader is connected to the page that has good information. As a result, the search engine will be optimistic about a lot of links to get a web page. But some people will be on the Internet a lot of manufacturing or purchase fake links, connected to their own website, trying to deceive the search engine. Usually, when a website has a lot of such links, the search engine will be found. Their countermeasure is to give more links to the links from creditworthy websites.

Fourth, the text used in the link is also important. If your page mentions that "Amazon has a lot of books" and "books" are a link, then the search engine will determine that Amazon is related to the "books" website. So, when someone searches for "books", Amazon will have a good ranking.

Finally, the search engine value reputation. Continued to update high-quality content, and continue to get more links to the site, will be regarded as a network star and get a good search rankings.


  1. Nice! The SEO is necessary for each website to success.

  2. It's great to have an understanding on how SEO works. You answered some questions that i wouldask about how search engines work.

  3. Thank you for this clarification. SEO is one of the most important Google ranking factors, and business should pay more attention to ensure success

  4. Great blog! It is crucial for a business to optimize their websites!

  5. Great information, well organised.
